Saturday 19 January 2013

God Speaks in Different Ways

Sitting on my chesterfield, I started contemplating on what to write about, having been compelled to reflect on how my day was and the experience that followed. The burning desire of hearing a still voice speaking to me during my morning devotion and the urge of experiencing God in my life in a new dimension altogether led me also to write this blog. I know it has been a while and time is due that I should commit, devote and discipline myself to be accountable to the viewers of my blog. Thanks to all who have viewed my blog, am encouraged by your kind gesture. Feel free to share with others as we join hands to propagate God's Kingdom and make known His good plans, purposes and ways through His son Jesus.

As I watched the coming of a new day, I had not known that sleeping in late and getting up slowly felt so good. But the ocean of thoughts, blurred vision, divided attention, dying passion and lack of direction crowded my mind stealing the joy of a beautiful morning. My inner man couldn't help but yearned and longed to be stilled, calmed and quieted in the presence of God. The aspiration of coveting God speak was like bush fire, and with all the clouding of my mind by the situations that had entangled me, led the need of serenity, tranquility and peace of heart, soul and mind that couldn't be over emphasized in a time like that.

Many are the times you may have encountered situations that require the intervention of a supernatural being either for clarity, specific direction or answers regarding a disturbing issue. I know you can relate with me on this fundamental truth that no temptation is not common to man. I couldn't help but wait to see what will unfold with my life. This led me to study on how God speaks as illustrated in His word Exodus 3. I established that indeed God speaks in a different way to every individual. A critical requirement of understanding and experiencing God is clearly knowing when He is speaking. If a Christian does not know when God is speaking, He is in trouble at the heart of his Christian life. A truth that is evident throughout the Bible is that God speaks to His people (Heb. 1:1) and He does this in many different ways. He did this in the Old Testament through visions, angels, miraculous sign, dreams and gentle whisper. How God spoke in the Old Testament is not the most important factor. That He spoke is the crucial point. The beauty of those He spoke to was that they knew it was God speaking and they did understand what He was saying.

Thus my experience of Him speaking to me is totally different from yours but of importance here is that He speaks. When God speaks, the experience is usually unique to that individual because He wants our experience with Him and His Voice to be personal to us. He wants us to look to Him in a relationship rather than depend on a method or a technique. Every time that God speaks we ought to be sure that it's God who is speaking. He says my sheep knows my voice(John 10:4). This has not changed. Another outstanding truth is that every time that God speaks we ought to understand what He is saying like our forefathers did in the Old Testament. Whenever God reveals truth to you, by whatever means, that is a divine encounter with Him. That is an experience of His presence in your life. God is the only One who can cause you to experience His presence.

After knowing the above, I refused to be associated with this kind of prayer, ''Lord, I really want to know your will. Stop me if I am wrong and bless me if I am right. Lord, I will proceed in this direction. Close the door if it is not Your will." This approach isn't found in Scripture. Don't let experience alone guide your life. Don't allow yourself to be led by tradition, method, or a formula. Often people trust these ways because they appear easier than cultivating an intimate walk with God. People do as they please and put the whole burden of responsibility on God. If they are wrong, He must intervene and stop them. If they make mistakes, they blame Him. God is not obligated to stop you from making a mistake! If you want to know the will and the voice of God, you must devote time and effort to cultivate a love relationship with Him. Don't try to bypass this because that is what He wants.

We ought to be careful all the time waiting patiently in the presence of God for specific directions, answers and clear instructions in prayer, depending on God's timing which is always right and best and answer by responding to His call of developing deeper relationship with us. Waiting reflects absolute dependence on God.

What followed during the day was a deep sense of peace that no man can give but God. God caused me to experience Him throughout the day. Made my vision clear, made me receive a call that captivated me and gave hope to my dream. Made me write this blog after a long while. Wow! God bless you even as He causes you to experience Him. Amen.

Friday 25 November 2011

Aspire to Inspire

The purpose of my thought and intention is to convey the significance of aspiring moment or occasion we have to embark on in order to inspire other people who look upon us. It’s imperative to note that "there are no inspirations without aspirations" In order for one to inspire others, there is need of first aspiring to take the noble task. It is my sincere hope that together we will walk in this endless journey of desiring to aspire to have significance to the society and those around us.  
When we aspire to inspire others in this life, the source of our aspiration can only be drawn from God's immense and gross wisdom through His grace to our lives. 'Fear not, little flock, for it has been the good pleasure of your Father to
give you the kingdom.’
Luke 12:32. As I jot this very first blog, the intentions of my thought is to convey how as an individual, all a long I have harnessed this desire within me to inspire others in life. I look all around me, the world will shun you if you fail to success-ed. Based on the expectation of the world, one tend to act out of timidity, pressure, or due to the urge of the peer groups.

"It All Starts with God, It’s not about you. The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose." Rick Warren

The urge of inspiring others couldn't be met by material things, social class, the ranking in power, charisma, education or title that one has. Truth be told no one is immune from trials, trouble of this life, failure, sin, sickness, disappointment, frustration, moment of unhappiness, despair and depression. Thus inspiration cannot be traced from perfectness, because if you don't have your moments of lowliness in life, I'm sorry I cannot relate with you. All this made me to keep wondering “What do I want to be? What should I do with my life? What are my goals, my ambitions, my dreams for my future?”

I wonder, how long is it going to take God to refine you, afflict you, and prepare you before you can be ushered by His spirit into your inspiring land? For the duration of time is determined by your submission and obedience to His purpose for you… therefore if been to long at that in-between stage, start yielding to the Potters touch.

As I conclude, does your desire to inspire others in life meet the desire of God for your life to inspire others? Aspire to be inspired of God, not for your own glory but to the glory of His marvelous name. Yield yourself to the touch of His insurmountable grace through His inspiring Spirit for you to be of effect and value in the Kingdom. When driven and inspired by the Holy Spirit who is our Councillor, Teacher and Helper no stone will be left standing, unturned because you will be a force to reckon with.